I, like more than 35 million people in North America, have a Mayflower ancestor,. His name was John Howland and he came from England to America in 1620. This four-part blog entry explains our link. The first part summarizes the descent, in 13 generations ending with my mother. The second part, from a Mayflower ancestry website, details Generations 1-3. The third part, from the website Family Search, links Generations 3-5. In Generation 5,Bathsheba Joyce the Mayflower descendant marries Ebenezer Mahurin. The fourth part details the Mahurin ancestry, from Ebenezer's Scots Irish parents, to my mother in Generation 10 in the Mahurin line, or Generation 13 in the Mayflower, Howland line.
I list people who are related to Olive Annie (Bender) Nasby, my mom's mom, and related to John Howland (1593-1675), the Mayflower passenger listed after the following 13 links. Below that Mayflower information is the lineage of Mahurin, the most common name in this lineage.
I list people who are related to Olive Annie (Bender) Nasby, my mom's mom, and related to John Howland (1593-1675), the Mayflower passenger listed after the following 13 links. Below that Mayflower information is the lineage of Mahurin, the most common name in this lineage.
John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley (1607-87) bore Hope Howland (1629-83/84).
Hope Howland and John Chipman (1613-1708, long life) bore Elizabeth Chipman
Elizabeth Chipman and Hosea Joyce (1645- 1725?) bore Walter Joyce (1667/70-?).
Walter Joyce and Elizabeth Low (1668/71-?) bore Bathsheba Joyce
Bathsheba Joyce and Ebenezer Mahurin (1691-1755) bore Stephan Mahurin (1720-63).
Stephen Mahurin and a woman whose name I can't find bore Silas Mahurin
Silas Mahurin and Sarah (1752-1815), unknown last name, bore Stephen (Steven)
(1774- 1849).
Stephen (Steven) Mahurin and Sarah Meeks (1773-1849) bore William Harmon
Mahurin (1815-1914, long life). In 1815,
Stephen and Sarah bought 75 acres in Greyson County, Kentucky that their
descendants own today.
William Harmon Mahurin and Ann Deweese (1821-95/97) bore Stephen Keith
Mahurin (1845-1927).
Stephen Keith Mahurin and Annie Austin (1847-?) bore Ada Mahurin (1880-?)
Military: from October 19, 1863-October 17, 1865, Stephen was in the
Sixth Iowa
Cavalry Regiment. The United States Civil War (1861-65) was on
Ada Mahurin and Al Bender (?-May 8, 1945, VE Day) bore Olive Annie Bender
Olive Annie Bender and Marvel Nasby (1903-94) bore Irene Marie Nasby (1928-80).
Irene Marie Nasby and James Joseph Wynne (1919-89) bore Harold (1951-),
Lorraine (1952-), Jeannette (1956-83), Michael (1961-), and Maryanne
Now that
you plowed through that, read the Mayflower passenger list below for John
Howland's name. Then note his daughter Hope and granddaughter Elizabeth
in the generations listed under his name. There are some uncertain
years but the descent is solid, I think. No wonder we Wynnes all swim.
After the generations listed below, read the Mahurin family lineage to confirm
this famous link.

Source: Mayflower descendants and their marriages for two generations after
the landing
The Mayflower left England on September 16, 1620 with 102 passengers plus crew, and after a grueling 66 day journey, the ship dropped anchor inside the hook tip of Cape Cod (Provincetown Harbor) on November 11 (dates in Old Style, Julian Calendar).
The Mayflower originally was destined for the Hudson River, north of the 1607 Jamestown Settlement. However, the Mayflower went severely off-course as the winter approached and remained in Cape Cod Bay. During the winter the passengers remained on board the Mayflower, suffering an outbreak of a contagious disease described as a mixture of scurvy, pneumonia and tuberculosis. To establish legal order and to quell increasing strife within the ranks, the settlers wrote and signed the Mayflower Compact.
At the end of that winter, there were only 53 persons still alive [view list of dead], half of the passengers and half of the crew. In spring, they built huts ashore, and on March 21, 1621, the surviving passengers left the Mayflower.
Every living descendant of a "Mayflower" passenger, as far as known, is descended from one of the twenty-two (22) passengers named in the following list. Applications for membership in the Society of Mayflower Descendants mush show descent from one of these men:
John Alden
Isaac Allerton
John Billington
William Bradford
William Brewster
Peter Braown
James Chilton
Francis Cooke
Edward Doty
Francis Eaton
Edward Fuller
Dr. Samuel Fuller
Stephen Hopkins
John Howland
Degory Priest
Thomas Rogers
Henry Samson
George Soule
Myles Standish
Richard Warren
William White
Edward Winslow
There were twenty-seven other Mayflower passengers from whom descent can be proved, but all of their descendants are also descended from at least one passenger named in the foregoing list.
Isaac Allerton
John Billington
William Bradford
William Brewster
Peter Braown
James Chilton
Francis Cooke
Edward Doty
Francis Eaton
Edward Fuller
Dr. Samuel Fuller
Stephen Hopkins
John Howland
Degory Priest
Thomas Rogers
Henry Samson
George Soule
Myles Standish
Richard Warren
William White
Edward Winslow
There were twenty-seven other Mayflower passengers from whom descent can be proved, but all of their descendants are also descended from at least one passenger named in the foregoing list.
Signed in Ye Cabin of Ye Mayflower
Signed in Ye Cabin of Ye Mayflower
Ye 11 of
Dominie 1620
In ye
name of God, Amen.
We whose
names are underwritten, the loyall subjects of our dread and soveraigne Lord,
King James, by ye grace of God, of Great Britaine, Frand, and Yreland king,
defender of ye faither, &c., haveing undertaken for ye glorie of God, and
advancemente of ye Christian faith, and honour to our king and countrie, a
voyage to plant ye first colonie in ye Northerne parts of Virginia, doe by
these presents solemnly and mutually in ye presense of God, and one of another,
covenant and combine ourselves togeather into a civill body politick, for our
better ordering & preservation & furtherance of ye ends afordsaid; and
by vertue hearof to enacte, constitute, and frame such just & equall lawes,
ordinances, Acts, constitutions & offices from time to fime, as shall be
thought most meete & convenient for ye generall goode of ye Colonie, unto
which we promise all due submission and obedience. Yn witness whereof we have
hereunder subscribed our names at Cap-Codd ye 11. of November, in ye year of ye
raigne of our soveraigne lord, King James, of England, France, & Yreland ye
eighteenth, and Scotland ye fiftie fourth, Ano: Dom. 1620
John Carver ---
William Bradford
Winslow --- William Brewster
Allerton --- Myles Standish
Alden --- Samuel Fuller
Martin --- William Mullins
William White
--- Richard Warren
John Howland ---
Stephen Hopkins
Edward Tilley
--- John Tilley
Francis Cooke
--- Thomas Rogers
Thomas Tinker
--- John Rigdale
Edward Fuller
--- John Turner
Francis Eaton
--- James Chilton
John Cracston
--- John Billington
Moses Fletcher
--- John Goodman
Degory Priest
--- Thomas Williams
Gilbert Winslow
--- Emond Margesson
Peter Brown ---
Richard Britterige
George Soule ---
Richard Clark
Richard Gardiner
--- John Allerton
Thomas English
--- Edward Doty
Edward Leifter
by Kim Torp from Mayflower descendents and their marriages for two
generations after the landing]
Published 1921 under title: "The
Mayflower passengers, their children and grandchildren."
So this is OLD research!. Transcribed by K. Torp for Genealogy Trails]
So this is OLD research!. Transcribed by K. Torp for Genealogy Trails]
were 104 passengers, including men, women, and children, of whom 24 were heads
of families. Two of these left only a daughter each, who married into one of
the other families, thus leaving 22 from whom descent is traced without
duplication of ancestors, as follows, viz:
I --- Desire,
d. Dec. 13, 1683; m. 1643, John Gorham d. Feb. 5, 1676, and had,
1. DESIRE, b.
April 2, 1644; m. John Hawes.
b. May 5, 1646; m. 1st, Edward Sturgis, m. 2nd, Thomas Baxter.
April 2, 1648; m. Joseph Hallett.
4. JAMES, b.
April 28, 1650; m. Hannah Huckins.
5. JOHN, b. Feb.
20, 1652; m. Mary Otis.
6. JOSEPH, b.
Feb. 16, 1654; m. Sarah Sturgis.
7. JABEZ, b.
Aug. 3, 1656; m. Hannah (Sturgis) Gray.
8. MERCY, b.
Jan. 20, 1658; m. George Denison.
9. LYDIA, b.
Nov. 16, 1661; m. John Thacher.
10. HANNAH, b.
Nov. 28, 1663; m. Joseph Whelden.
11. SHUBAEL, b.
Oct. 21, 1667; m. Puella Hussey.
II --- John,
m. Dec. 26, 1651, Mary Lee, and had,
12. MARY, b.
1653; m. John Allyn.
b. May 17,1655; m. John Bursley.
14. ISAAC, b.
Nov. 25, 1659; m. Ann Taylor.
15. HANNAH, b.
May 15, 1661; m. Jonathan Crocker.
16. MERCY, b.
Jan. 21, 1663; m. Joseph Hamlin.
17. LYDIA, b. Jan.
9, 1665; m. Joseph Jenkins.
b. July 28, 1668.
19. ANNE, b.
Sept. 9, 1670; m. Joseph Crocker.
20. SHUBAEL, b.
Sept. 30, 1672; m. Mercy Blossom.
21. JOHN, b.
Dec. 31, 1674; m. 1st, Abigail Crocker, m. 2nd, Mary Crocker.
III --- Jabez,
d. between May 14,1708 and Feb. 21, 1712; m. Bethiah Thacher, d. Dec. 19, 1725,
and had,
22. JABEZ, b.
Nov. 15, 1669; m. Patience Stafford.
23. JOHN, b.
Jan. 15, 1673; d. y.
24. BETHIAH, b.
June 3, 1674; d. 1676.
25. JOSIAH, b.
Aug. 6, 1676; m. Yetmercy Shove.
26. JOHN, b.
July 26, 1679; prob. d. unmarried.
27. JUDAH, b.
May 7, 1683; d. y.
28. SETH, b. Jan
5, 1685; d. y.
29. SAMUEL, b.
May 16, 1686; m. 1st, Abigail Cary, m. 2nd, prob. Mrs. Rachel Allen.
b. May 19, 1687; d. y.
31. JOSEPH, b. Oct.
14, 1692; m. Bathsheba Cary.
b. --- ; m. Nathan Townsend.
IV --- Hope,
d. Jan. 8,1683; m. 1646 John Chipman, b. about 1614, d. April 7, 1708, and had,
b. June 24,1647; m. Hosea Joyce.
34. HOPE, b.
Aug. 31, 1652; m. 1st, John Huckins, m. 2nd, Jonathan Cobb.
35. LYDIA, b.
Dec. 25, 1654; m. John Sargent.
36. JOHN, b.
March 2, 1657; d. y.
37. HANNAH, b.
Jan. 14, 1659; m. Thomas Huckins.
38. SAMUEL, b.
April 15, 1661; m. Sarah Cobb.
39. RUTH, b.
Dec. 31, 1662; m. Eleazer Crocker.
40. BETHIAH, b.
July 1, 1666; m. Shubael Dimock.
41. MERCY, b.
Feb. 6, 1668; m. Nathan Skiff.
42. JOHN, b.
March 3, 1671; m. 1st, Mary Skiff, m. 2nd, Elizabeth (Handley) Russell, m. 3rd,
Hannah Hoxie.
43. DESIRE, b.
Feb. 26, 1674; m. Melatiah Bourne.
V --- Lydia,
m. James Brown, d. Oct. 29, 1710, and had,
44. JAMES, b.
May 4, 1655; m. Margaret Denison.
45. DOROTHY, b.
Aug. 29, 1666; m. Joseph Kent.
46. JABEZ, b.
July 9, 1668; m. Jane ---
VI --- Ruth,
m. Nov. 17, 1664, Thomas Cushman, b. Sept. 16,1637, d. Aug. 23, 1726, and had,
47. ROBERT, b.
Oct. 4, 1665; m. 1st, Persis --- , m. 2nd, Prudence Sherman.
48. DESIRE, b.
1668; prob. m. Samuel Kent.
VII --- Hannah,
m. July 6, 1661, Jonathan Bosworth, and had,
49. MERCY, b.
May 30, 1662.
50. HANNAH, b.
Nov. 5, 1663; m. Nathaniel Jenks.
51. JONATHAN, b.
Dec. 24, 1666; d. 1673.
52. DAVID, b.
Sept. 15, 1670; m. Mary Sturtevant.
b. June 6, 1665; d. 1676.
54. JOHN, b.
April 6,1671; m. Elizabeth Toogood.
55. JABEZ, b.
Feb. 14, 1673.
56. ICHABOD, b. March
18,1676; m. Sarah Stacy.
57. JONATHAN, b.
Sept. 22,1680; m. Sarah Rounds.
VIII --- Joseph,
m. Dec. 7, 1664, Elizabeth Southworth, and had,
58. LYDIA, b.
--- , 1665; m. Jeremiah Thomas.
b. --- ;m. 1st, Isaac Hamlin, m. 2nd, Timothy Cannon.
60. MARY, b. ---
; m. George Conant.
61. THOMAS, b.
--- ; m. Joanna Cole.
62. JAMES, b.
--- ; m. Mary Lothrop.
b. --- ; m. 1st, Martha Cole, m. 2nd, Abigail (Churchill) Billington.
64. SARAH, b.
65. BENJAMIN, b.
1689; d. y.
66. JOSEPH, b. ;
d. y.
IX --- Isaac,
d. March 9, 1724; m. Elizabeth Vaughn, b. 1652, d. Oct. 29, 1727, and had,
67. SETH, b.
Nov. 28, 1677; m. Elizabeth Delano.
68. ISAAC, b.
March 6, 1679; m. Sarah Thomas.
b. Aug. 22,1681; m. Peter Bennett.
b. Dec. 2, 1682; d. y.
71. NATHAN, b.
Jan. 17, 1687; m. Frances Coombs.
72. JAEL, b.
Oct. 13, 1688; m. Nathaniel Southworth.
73. SUSANNAH, b.
Oct. 14, 1690; m. Ephrahn Wood.
74. HANNAH, b.
Oct. 16, 1694; m. John Tinkham.
The Link Between the Mayflower's John Howland and the Mahurins
Still with me? In "The Mayflower Passengers Their Children and Grandchildren," which ends just above, note Section IV. Atop it, you will see Hope Howland (?-1683) married to John Chipman (c1614-1708) in 1646. Just below that, line 33 notes their oldest child, Elizabeth Chipman (b June 24, 1647). and that Elizabeth will marry Hosea Joyce. Elizabeth's birth date helped me find which Elizabeth, among many Elizabeths I found, helped produce the following link between the Mayflower and the Mahurins. That link is below, in four parts, gleaned from the Family Search website, run by the Mormons, ancestry maniacs.
In Section One, below, see Elizabeth Chipman and her parents John Chipman and Hope Howland, all noted in IV of the Mayflower details above. Elizabeth and Hosea, some times Josea, Joyce had several children, including Walter Joyce.
Section One
In Section Two, below, Walter Joyce, child of Hosea Joyce and Elizabeth Chipman, marries Elizabeth Joyce, yet another Elizabeth. One of their children is Bathsheba Joyce.
Section Two
In Section Three, below, Walter and Elizabeth Joyce's daughter Bathsheba marries Ebenezer Mahurin.
Section Three
Genealogical Index (IGI)
Genealogical Index (IGI)
In Section Four, below, which is the Descendants of Hugh Mahurin, notice that Ebenezer is Hugh's son, the first of the family born in America. Hugh is from Scotland or Northern Ireland. Hugh married Mary (Campbell?), of Northern Ireland. In that era, the English settled Scots to Ireland to colonize the plantations which took away Irish ownership of the land. These settlers helped push the native Irish off their land.
The Scots Irish, as these settlers were known, would spawn the main group that pushed Indigenous people westward in what would become the United States. In A Little Matter of Genocide, United States Cherokee and Professor Ward Churchill details this Scots Irish-Indigenous collision:
As you read the Mahurin lineage, notice the westward migration of Mahurins over the generations.
My ancestors therefore include pilgrims who fled persecution in the British Isles for America, pilgrims who then persecuted Indigenous people in America. My ancestry also includes Scots sent to persecute the Irish, and Scots Irish who persecuted Indigenous people in America.
Someone once joked with me that, when you see two birds fighting in the air, look for an Englishman, because he started them fighting. The common English man gained little from this, however, because the elites set people against one another for the elites' own gains; but people eking out a living sometimes unite against the elites that profit from neighbor fighting neighbor. In 1649, the Diggers of England united to defend their land from enclosure by elites who preferred sheep to people on that land. Listen to radical English singer Billy Bragg sing of this resistance, in his song "The World Turned Upside Down:"
So have Section Four, Descendants of Hugh Mahurin, which inserts Bathsheba Joyce, the Mayflower descendant, into the Mahurin lineage, my lineage. Generation No. 2, below, notes that Bathsheba is a Mayflower descendant. Reading that fact led me to find the Mayflower and Family Search websites to connect the Mayflower and me, and you if you are my relative. Numbers beside and above the text make this easier to understand.
Section Four
of Hugh Mahurin
No. 1
1.Hugh1 Mahurin was born 1665 in Northern Ireland
or Scotland, and died May 09, 1718 in Taunton, Bristol Co., Massachusetts.He
married Mary (Campbell?).She was born Abt.
1667 in Northern Ireland, and died Abt. 1719 in Bridgewater, Bristol Co.,
Notes for Hugh Mahurin:
[By: Francis H. Huron]
Hugh Mahurin was granted land at Taunton, Massachusetts, in 1692/93, and died there, May 1718. His children and grandchildren intermarried with several other early families of Bristol and Plymouth counties. Among his descendants at least eleven were soldiers in the American Revolution; many were genuine pioneers on the frontiers of northern New England, New Jersey, and southern and middle-western states as the colonial population expanded.
Children of Hugh Mahurin and Mary (Campbell?) are:
Notes for Hugh Mahurin:
[By: Francis H. Huron]
Hugh Mahurin was granted land at Taunton, Massachusetts, in 1692/93, and died there, May 1718. His children and grandchildren intermarried with several other early families of Bristol and Plymouth counties. Among his descendants at least eleven were soldiers in the American Revolution; many were genuine pioneers on the frontiers of northern New England, New Jersey, and southern and middle-western states as the colonial population expanded.
Children of Hugh Mahurin and Mary (Campbell?) are:
of Hugh Mahurin
No. 2
2.Ebenezer2 Mahurin (Hugh1) was born 1691 in Taunton, Bristol Co.,
Massachusetts, and died November 1755 in Pequannock, Morris Co., New Jersey.He
married Bathsheba Joyce December 12, 1718
in Marshfield, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts, daughter of Walter Joyce and Elizabeth Low.She was born January 17,
1692/93 in Marshfield, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts, and died Aft. 1755 in
Morris Co., New Jersey.
More About Bathsheba Joyce:
Individual Note:: She was a decendent of the Mayflower.
Children of Ebenezer Mahurin and Bathsheba Joyce are:
More About Bathsheba Joyce:
Individual Note:: She was a decendent of the Mayflower.
Children of Ebenezer Mahurin and Bathsheba Joyce are:
of Hugh Mahurin
No. 3
10.Stephen3 Mahurin (Ebenezer2, Hugh1) was born November 09, 1720 in Raynham, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, and
died Aft. 1763.
Children of Stephen Mahurin are:
Children of Stephen Mahurin are:
of Hugh Mahurin
No. 4
48.Silas4 Mahurin (Stephen3, Ebenezer2, Hugh1) was born September 15, 1744 in Morristown, Morris
Co., New Jersey, and died Bet. 1811 - 1820 in Grayson Co., Kentucky.He married Sarah (Unknown).She was born August 31, 1752
in Virginia, and died April 05, 1815.
More About Silas Mahurin:
Christening: October 14, 1744, Presbyterian Church, Morristown, Morris Co., New Jersey
Children of Silas Mahurin and Sarah (Unknown) are:
More About Silas Mahurin:
Christening: October 14, 1744, Presbyterian Church, Morristown, Morris Co., New Jersey
Children of Silas Mahurin and Sarah (Unknown) are:
Descendants of Hugh Mahurin
No. 5
146.Stephen (Steven)5 Mahurin, SR. (Silas4, Stephen3, Ebenezer2, Hugh1) was born May 21, 1774 in Virginia, and died
February 08, 1849 in Grayson Co., Kentucky.He married Sarah
Meeks October 28, 1799 in Shelby Co., Kentucky, daughter of Suddith Meeks.She was born May 15, 1773 in Grayson Co.,
Kentucky, and died August 10, 1849 in Grayson Co., Kentucky.
Notes for Stephen (Steven) Mahurin, SR.:
Stephen bought 75 acres in Grayson Co., Ky., in 1815, part of the farm which is still owned by and lived on by direct descendants.
More About Stephen (Steven) Mahurin, SR.:
Blessing: Abt. 1785
Burial: Mahurin Cemetery, Tousey, Grayson Co., Kentucky
More About Sarah Meeks:
Burial: Mahurin Cemetery, Tousey, Grayson Co., Kentucky
Children of Stephen Mahurin and Sarah Meeks are:
Notes for Stephen (Steven) Mahurin, SR.:
Stephen bought 75 acres in Grayson Co., Ky., in 1815, part of the farm which is still owned by and lived on by direct descendants.
More About Stephen (Steven) Mahurin, SR.:
Blessing: Abt. 1785
Burial: Mahurin Cemetery, Tousey, Grayson Co., Kentucky
More About Sarah Meeks:
Burial: Mahurin Cemetery, Tousey, Grayson Co., Kentucky
Children of Stephen Mahurin and Sarah Meeks are:
Descendants of Hugh Mahurin: Generation No. 6
360.William Harmon6 Mahurin (Stephen (Steven)5, Silas4, Stephen3, Ebenezer2, Hugh1) was born January 28, 1815 in Grayson Co., Kentucky, and died April 19,
1914 in Boge, Grayson Co., Kentucky.He married Ann
Deweese Abt. 1842, daughter of Edward Dewees and Ruth Herrald.She was born July 16, 1821
in Grayson Co., Kentucky, and died Bet. 1895 - 1897 in Graham, Kansas.
Children of William Mahurin and Ann Deweese are:
Children of William Mahurin and Ann Deweese are:
Descendants of Hugh Mahurin: Generation No. 7
820.Stephen Keith7 Mahurin (William Harmon6, Stephen (Steven)5, Silas4, Stephen3, Ebenezer2, Hugh1) was born March 14, 1845 in Grayson Co., Kentucky,
and died April 20, 1927 in White Bird, Idaho.He married Annie
L. Austin August 17, 1869 in Henry Co., Missouri, daughter of Obadiah Austin and Jane
Clark.She was born April 15, 1847.
More About Stephen Keith Mahurin:
Military service: Bet. October 19, 1863 - October 17, 1865, Civil War, Co. G, 6th Iowa Cavalry Regt.
Children of Stephen Mahurin and Annie Austin are:
More About Stephen Keith Mahurin:
Military service: Bet. October 19, 1863 - October 17, 1865, Civil War, Co. G, 6th Iowa Cavalry Regt.
Children of Stephen Mahurin and Annie Austin are:
Descendants of Hugh Mahurin: Generation No. 8
1595.Ada8 Mahurin (Stephen
Keith7, William Harmon6, Stephen (Steven)5, Silas4, Stephen3, Ebenezer2, Hugh1) was born May 18, 1880 in Henry Co., Missouri.She
married Al Bender November 29, 1900 in
Mt. Idaho, Idaho.He died May 08, 1945.
Children of Ada Mahurin and Al Bender are:
Children of Ada Mahurin and Al Bender are:
Descendants of Hugh Mahurin: Generation No. 9
2665.Olive Annie9 Bender (Ada8 Mahurin, Stephen Keith7, William Harmon6, Stephen (Steven)5, Silas4, Stephen3, Ebenezer2, Hugh1) was born November 11, 1906 in White Bird,
Idaho.She married Marvel Raymond Nasby
1928. Marvel was born June 16, 1903 (a year to the day before
Bloomsday, the one-day setting of Irish writer James Joyce's novel Ulysses)
in Chilicothe, Illinois, he used to say. An internet search put
Chilicothe in Indiana. Marvel had Norwegian ancestors. Olive and
Marvel migrated from the United States to Canada as children, with their
families. Contrary to what I read on this website, Olive, nor Marvel,
died on February 18, 1951, in Edson, Alberta (AB), Canada. Marvel died on
January 10, 1994 in Edson.
Children of Olive Bender and Marvel Nasby, the first two born in Cessford, AB, Canada, before the 1930s drought drove many people from the plains, the rest in Edson, AB, Canada, about 300 miles to the northwest, are:
Children of Olive Bender and Marvel Nasby, the first two born in Cessford, AB, Canada, before the 1930s drought drove many people from the plains, the rest in Edson, AB, Canada, about 300 miles to the northwest, are:
Russell Nasby, born 1936 (d 1992).
Descendants of Hugh Mahurin: Generation No.
On January 5, 1950, Irene married James Joseph
Wynne in Edson, AB, Canada. He went by Joe. Joe was born on
September 30, 1919, in Quesnel, British Columbia (BC), Canada, of Harold
Joseph Wynne and Mary Ann (Irvine) Wynne. Harold, known as Harry, was
born in or near Sherbrooke, Quebec (QC), Canada, in 1882 of Joseph, 37, and Mary, 34, both Irish-born, according to the 1891 Richmond County, Quebec Census. It seems that Joseph married twice, the second time to Eleanor O'Borne, Harry's mother noted on Harry (Wynn) and Mary Irvine's August 14, 1918 York, Ontario wedding record.
Mary was born in Enniskillen, Ireland on November 11, 1879. Harry
died in 1943 in Edmonton, AB, Mary in 1960 in Edson, AB, Irene on July 7,
1980 in Edmonton, AB. and Joe on September 29, 1989 in Edson, AB. Joe's sister, Eleanor Mary Margaret Wynne,
"Nellie," (b Kamloops, BC, June 3, 1924, d Edmonton, AB 1985), neither
married nor had children.
Military: In 1916, a doctor refused Harry for war service. "Your heart is bad. You'll be lucky to live six months," the doctor said. Harry lived until 1943. Military: In 1940, Joe enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy in Victoria, Canada. He was a Stoker, Second Class in the North Atlantic Ocean during World War Two. He traveled on corvettes, motor torpedo boats, and destroyers, escorting troop and supply ships across the ocean to England and Scotland. Some supplies continued to Archangel and Murmansk, in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), Canada's and England's wartime ally. Joe's name is on a plaque in St. Joseph's Catholic High School in Edmonton, Canada, commemorating students who went to the war. By the time of his enlistment, Joe was working for the Alberta Provincial Government in Edmonton. His name is on a plaque in the legislature in Edmonton, commemorating civil servants who went to the war. The Royal Canadian Legion, Joe Wynne Branch 51, in Edson, Alberta is named to honor Joe. Children of Irene Marie Nasby and James Joseph Wynne, all born in Edson, AB, are
James, born 1951
Lorraine Marie, born 1952
Louise, (1956-83)
Joseph, born 1961
Simone, born 1964
Note: Maryanne Simone acquired Irish
Republican citizenship and an Irish passport in 2013-14 and emigrated to
Europe. She proved descent from her namesake granny, Mary Ann.
The Irish Republic grants citizenship to children and grandchildren of
citizens. The United Kingdom, which rules Northern Ireland, grants
citizenship only to children, not grandchildren of citizens. Although
Mary Ann was born in what is now Northern Ireland, it was all the colony of
Ireland in 1879. The Republic recognizes her as Irish, not
British. Centuries after Hugh Mahurin left Ireland, there is now a
newly-Irish descendant.
Decendants of Hugh Mahurin: Generation No 11
Child of
Harold Wynne and Joanna Burns (b May 5,1951, Bedford, England):
Cynthia Alison,
,born April 29, 1974, Vegreville, AB
Child of Jeannette (Wynne) Farris and Larry Farris (b. Saskatchewan, 1947, d. 199?):
Kevin Joseph
Woollard, born March 31, 1975 Edson, AB adopted out as child
Child of
Jeannette (Wynne) Farris and Ray Sanderson (b. AB, 194?-):
Marie Sanderson, born July 18, 1979, Grande
Prairie, AB, adopted out as infant
Child of Michael Wynne and Carla Alphonse (b Williams Lake, BC, 1963-):
Chelsea Marie
Wynne, born December 24, 1992, Williams Lake, BC
The key I found to unlock this complexity was Bathsheba Joyce (1692/3-1755), wed to Ebenezer Mahurin, of the second generation, above. Bathsheba's ancestor was Mayflower passenger John Howland. The text above misspells that as "descendent." It also says that Marvel died in 1951. Olive died in 1951. Marvel died in 1994. Despite this and other mistakes, I think the information reliably links me to Bathsheba.
What made me research this was Dorothy Ada
(Nasby) Balderson, my aunt, above. During our annual Christmas phone
conversation in December, 2015, Dorothy said she had Mahurin ancestors. It was the first time I heard that name. Dorothy said that Ron Mahurin of Idaho (b 1946, I found out), visited
Dorothy's Beiseker, Alberta farm a few years ago. She said he left ancestry notes with her. I found the Mahurin lineage online. It noted Mayflower descendant Bathsheba married to Ebenezer Mahurin, Dorothy's ancestor. Should I have named our daughter Bathsheba, not
My sister Maryanne recently added poetic unity to this ancestry. She acquired Irish citizenship because our dad's mom was born in Ireland. Our mom had an Irish-born ancestor, Mary (Campbell?), an ethnic Scot if Campbell was her name, a recent surprise to me. Maryanne therefore completes two-generation and a multi-generation circles back to Ireland. My and Carla's marriage completes a Welsh circle. Carla has ancestors from Wales. Her tribal council has traced that lineage. My dad's mom had an English surname, Irvine. She married a Canadian, Harold Joseph Wynne, born of Irish immigrants. Wynne is a Welsh name. My spouse and I therefore both have Welsh ancestors. Where is the name Wynne from? In May, 2015, my sisters Lorraine and Maryanne generously bought me passage to and around the British Isles, where Maryanne lived from 2014-2016. Maryanne and I stayed in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, for a few nights. Enniskillen is fewer than 40 kilometres from Brookeborough. We saw this village which our dad's mom Mary Irvine left to emigrate to Canada in 1916, exactly a century ago. In an ancestry book in the Enniskillen public library, I read about the 1642, I think, migration from Wales to Fermanagh, Granny's county, of a Welsh policeman named Wynne. Wynne is Grandpa Harry's, not Granny Mary's name, so this Welsh Wynne is probably not our ancestor. Or is he? I don't know. In the 1640s, the English sent many Scots, Welsh, and probably English to support the plantation system that colonized Ireland. It seems that our ancestors are more migrants to than indigenous people of Ireland: Irvine is and English name and Wynne is a Welsh name. Indigenous Irish, however, adopted non-Irish names; but I don't have enough information to see what, if any Indigenous Irish ancestry I have. Regardless, after a few generations, many plantation colonists of Ireland, like those of the 1200s, 400 years before, considered themselves more Irish than anything else. Many Irish critical of English rule have been Protestant, the same religion as that of the colonists who came after Protestantism rose in England in the 1500s: Jonathan Swift, the writer and Dublin Church of Ireland cathedral dean in the early-1700s; Wolf Tone, the lawyer who led the 1798 rebellion against English rule, and the George Bernard Shaw, the early-1900s writer and Nobel Literature prize winner. Our Irish Granny had a brother in the Royal Irish Constabulary, the English colonial police in Ireland, the model for Canada's Royal Canadian Mounted Police. When we fantasize that our ancestors were rugged rebels, we should pause and realize that they at least as likely collaborated with colonizers. Similarly, modern Indigenous people in Canada wax poetic about descent from anti-colonials, but they probably realize that their ancestors probably worked with colonizers. It's flattering to imagine one's ancestors fighting the colonizers and their local collaborators, but more fighters than collaborators died, especially in Ireland and America. The living, not the dead, produce descendants, our ancestors. Chelsea, my and Carla's daughter, justly ends this lineage. Carla is Indigenous, from the Chilcotin nation near Canada's Pacific Coast. In Part Three, above, I note that Scots helped push Irish from their land in Ireland, and that the resulting Scots Irish helped push Indigenous people from their land in America. Now the settlers have an Indigenous descendant. Long ago, my dad joked, "You might not want to know who your ancestors were. They might be highwaymen," that is, robbers. Perhaps his dad, and especially his mom, told him things he didn't want me to know. Perhaps my grandparents, whom I never met, knew things they didn't want Dad to know.
-Michael Wynne, Williams Lake, BC, Canada, December
13, 2015
Revised, Mayflower-Mahurin link and closing paragraphs, added April 19, 2016 |
Hi Michael, would you please email me at mystiart21@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am a descendant of Hugh Mahurin. I may have some other information that may be beneficial to your research. Thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you.