Sunday, July 31, 2016

Prince George Harry Potter, then Edmonton

     This, the second day of two months away from home for me, finds me in my Edmonton friend Doug's welcoming place, but there were wizards on the way.
     Books and Company, in Prince George, where I waited for a connecting bus from 7 PM until Midnight on July 30, was open from 10 PM to 1 AM.  Why?  The new JK Rowling book, for sale after midnight.  Staff wore wizard togs, a crowd filled the store, people formed teams for a trivia contest, and it was a magical way to wait for my bus.
     A bus brought nine passengers from Prince George to Valemount, where a second bus, from Vancouver arrived a few minutes later, around 4 AM today.  We nine joined that almost-full bus and continued toward Edmonton, which we reached at 12:20 PM today.
    Diligent Doug picked me up at the new bus station on 121 Street, we dropped my stuff at his southeast Edmonton apartment, and went to the Heritage Festival.  More on that tomorrow.  Night all.


Saturday, July 2, 2016